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Good afternoon friends! We are working on so much fun stuff everyday! In February we have some really great friends/bands coming through town. We think they rule really hard and would love to share a night of music and dancing with … Continue reading
Greetings Bredren, It’s Ryan The Lion from The Emerald City. I know some of you have been wondering what’s been up with me musically since the last Com Rec Tour with ABE, so I’m writing to let you all know … Continue reading
Made by APOCALYPSE PRODUCTIONS. Get in the van, listen to ramblings, eat some food, & go to the shows all through this one video. It’s like a Stuck Lucky TV show. Block Party announcement coming in the next two weeks. Oh yes. Have a great … Continue reading
Quality hard hitting reggae from the U.K. Please support these peoples. We did some shows with them in 2010 on our tour of the U.K. So good. New record drops soon on the U.K. label Bombermusic.com.

For all of you who ordered these or are interested in ordering these, just wanted to let you know. These things actually exist and will be shipped out very soon. They look great! Thanks for your support and patience. also, caddywhompus played … Continue reading
Ok. SO I only really took pictures of the lollies. Sorry if you clicked on this wanting to see pictures of other bands. Overall this show ruled. The Lollies got to play in front of a ton of new people. … Continue reading

CONSTANTINE! Thanks for being awesome! Towards the end of every month, we’ll put up pictures of our “Friend of the Month.” This month, Constantine Dhonau from Florida is the lucky winner of the get-your-face-on-the-internet club. He’s a really rad dude … Continue reading
PLEASE READ THIS AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. “The video below discusses the Senate version of the House’s Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). In the Senate the bill is called the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). SOPA has gotten more … Continue reading
This show was insane! So much dancing, so much fun, so little space! Every band was awesome and the show was in this killer art house in New Orleans. You can see some examples of the interesting art in the … Continue reading