Greetings Bredren,
It’s Ryan The Lion from The Emerald City. I know some of you have been wondering what’s been up with me musically since the last Com Rec Tour with ABE, so I’m writing to let you all know of a new FREE release that I’m super pumped about.
Since I moved back to Seattle, I have been assembling a See You In Mexico line-up composed of some of my best buds up here, and this weekend, we will be recording a 6-song concept album. We don’t have a name for it yet, but it will be a story about a man who was sent on a hopeless mission to find a shipwrecked crew. He is the sole survivor of the group, and the story begins as he is on his way back home to inform the General that everyone has died. Graham, Jacob, Luci, and I have been working super hard the past couple months to get this done before my big move to New Orleans. It will be released for free, as previously stated, and will be an intense, plugged-in take on the folky style of the first See You In Mexico release, with the awesome addition of a violin player, and extra instrumentation such as accordion and hand drums. It will be ready to download by next weekend, and will include a full background story, in the form of the adventurers journal, written by our drummer, Jacob.
We hope you all dig it!